Image of Hankelow Crest
Image of Sparrrowhawk

Hankelow Online Noticeboard

Information about the South Cheshire village of Hankelow

Old items of general information will typically be removed from the home page and placed here after a few days, in case you need to refer back to something. They will be held here for about three months before being removed. Links may be broken and pictures may have disappeared.

The leader of Cheshire East Council, Sam Corcoran, has resigned just before he was due to face a vote of no confidence. A new leader, Nick Mannion, has been elected. (posted 17th July)

The roadworks at the Hatherton bends seem to have been and gone. The road was open again late yesterday (Monday) afternoon and all the signs have been removed. (posted 16th July)

Cheshire East are considering a library tier plan in an attempt to save £600,000. (posted 15th July)

The road improvements around Leighton are finally complete, but Motorists are being warned of major A500 and A49 works in the summer. (posted 13th July)

A cow which was stuck in the river Weaver near Austerton was rescued by Cheshire firefighters. (posted 13th July)

Black bins will be emptied every three weeks under new CEC plans for the collection of food waste. (posted 11th July)

The Cheshire East Tories have called for no-confidence vote in the Council's Labour leader. This follows the publication of the Corporate Peer Challenge report after a review in March. (posted 11th July)

Hatherton Lodge Solar Farm 1 Hatherton Lodge Solar Farm 2

There will be a public consultation in the Methodist Hall in Hankelow on Thursday 18th July, concerning plans for a Solar Farm. There have previously been some planning applications of a similar nature: 23/2667S,   14/4296N and 13/5090S.

Click on the images on the left to see the details of the leaflet. (posted 10th July)

Cheshire East have an update on changes to household waste recycling centres, which affects how the Crewe centre will operate. There is also some information about Shropshire recycling centres (such as Whitchurch) here. (posted 8th July)

A reminder that the A529 Audlem Road is closed at the Hatherton Bends for a couple of days for gulley cleaning. (posted 15th July)

There are still some roadworks planned in the area. (posted 8th July)

The Amenities Group have published a flyer detailing the outcome of the Hankelow Fete and thanking anyone who helped. (posted 8th July)

Fire crews were called out to rescue a horse stuck in a ditch in Longhill Lane last Saturday (6th). (posted 8th July)

There won't be a pub quiz at the White Lion this month due to the Euros. (posted 4th July)

There are various upcoming roadworks planned in the area. (posted 30th June)

In the election the Conservatives have retained the Eddisbury seat, but Labour have won Crewe. The North Shropshire seat has been retained by the Liberal Democrats. (posted 5th July)

The General Election will take place on today (4th July).  The Polling Station in Hankelow Methodist Church is open between 7:00 a.m and 10:00 p.m. Don't forget your photo ID/a> when going to vote. A list of candidates for Chester South and Eddisbury can be found here.(posted 30th June/4th July)

There will be a meeting of Hankelow Parish Council next Monday (1st July) in the Community Room of Hankelow Methodist Church at 7.30 p.m. To see the agenda and associated documents go to the Parish Council website. (posted 30th June)

On Friday afternoon (28th June) the Peace Garden, a new community garden at Hankelow Methodust Church, will be opened. The garden will be open at all times fro the community to use for relaxation and a bit of peace. Come along to the opening between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. More details here. (posted 26th June)

Don't forget the Audlem Party on the Park is this coming Saturday (29th June). Keep an eye on Audlem on Line for updates as Saturday approaches. (posted 25th June)

New charges for Cheshire East car parks where there is already a charge, such as those in Nantwich, will come into force in July, and in car parks which are currently free, such as Audlem, no later than October 1st. (posted 22nd June)

Cheshire East is urging voters to prepare for the upcoming General Election.There are six candidates to choose from.

Don't forget the Audlem Party on the Park is this coming Saturday (29th June). Tickets are still available (posted 24th June).

Shoppers in Nantwich are being warned of an increase in "purse dipping" (posted 25th May)

The ADAPT Saturday Market has reopened. It will be at the Buttermarket in Audlem every Saturday morning from 10:00 a.m. until noon. (posted 17th May)

Cheshire East are welcoming resident views on bus services in a new consultation. It would appear that Rural Nantwich bus services will face cuts under the new plans, including changes to the 72 and 73 which serve Hankelow.

This year's Village Fete will take place today (Sunday, 16th June), at 12:45 p.m.(posted 16th June)

This year's Village Fete will take place on Sunday, 16th June at 12:45 p.m. If you can help with the fete in any way, please see this notice to see how. (posted 9th June)

The Audlem Music and Arts Festival is on this bank holiday weekend. All the events are posted on AOL (posted 25th May)

Village Picnic, May 5th

The Village Picnic took place on the green on Sunday 5th May. The weather was kind to us and a good time was had by all.

(posted 7th May)

Labour’s Dan Price has won the Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner election. (posted 7th May)

Kirk Shenton was joined by his grandsons to replace a dead beech tree on the village green with a sequoia and five rhododendrons.

Planting a new tree on village green, May 4th 2024
Planting a new tree on village green, May 4th 2024
NPlanting a new tree on village green, May 4th 2024
Job done! A new sequoia and five rhododendrons newly planted, May 4th 20241
(posted 5th May)

There are a number of items on Nantwich News which may be of interest. There is a plan to stop accepting cash payments in most car parks in Nantwich,  and Cheshire East is to close the School Meals service. There is also concern that some libraries may be closed, although Nantwich library doesn't seem to be under threat at the moment. (posted 3rd May)

The new bus station in Crewe is set to open on 7th May. (posted 3rd May)

Tributes are being paid after the sudden death of Brine Leas head teacher David Cole. After being closed yesterday the school will be open again today (Tuesday 30th). (posted 30th April)

Don't forget it's the Village Picnic on the green at 3:00 p.m. today (Sunday 5th May) and Soulful Minds will be performing in the White Lion tonight at 5:00 p.m. (posted 5th May)

The upcoming voting on Thursday (2nd May) will be for the county's next Police and Crime Commisioner. There is some information on who is standing in an article on Nantwich News. (posted 25th April)